Disclaimer & Credits

Copyrights Brands & Process

The projects, brands, and logos displayed on this website are used for portfolio purposes only and remain the property of their respective owners. Their appearance does not imply endorsement by the respective companies. Due to confidentiality agreements, certain project details, designs, or functionalities may be omitted or modified to protect client privacy. Please note that projects featured may have evolved or changed since completion.

Additionally, external links or references provided on this site are for informational purposes only, and I am not responsible for the content or policies of third-party websites. All third-party software, tools, and resources used in these projects are attributed accordingly.

Client Testimonials: All client testimonials featured on this website reflect genuine experiences from individuals or organizations I’ve worked with. However, please note that results and experiences may vary depending on the specific requirements and circumstances of each project.

Attribution of Tools & Resources: The web design projects showcased here may have utilized third-party tools, frameworks, or open-source resources. Full credit is given to these resources where applicable, and their inclusion in any project does not imply ownership or endorsement by their creators.

Photo Credits

The photography featured on this site was taken by Tonny @_art.productions. Additional images are used with permission from their respective owners, following proper usage guidelines. The respective copyrights for these images are acknowledged below.
Photo by Vanessa Garcia: https://www.pexels.com
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com
Group of People Sitting
Photo by fauxels: https://www.pexels.com
Fonts & Icons: This site uses fonts provided by Google Fonts, which are open-source and free for commercial use. Icons are sourced from Feather Icons, which are also open-source and free to use under the MIT license.

Ready to get started?

Good ideas don’t need wings, they need a landing platform. Let's talk about your project, get free consultation and let’s make things happen!